
提问者: laogq
阅读量: 3382
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请问各位专家,国内是否有测试俄罗斯标准紧固件的机构呢?可否提供下 以下(附件)为测试标准 Method of test for high work life fasteners. 1. Requirements to test equipment. 1.1. Test should be held on test plants, which provide accuracy of measurements of force not worse than 2% 1.2. Frequency of loading should be 3..5 Hz with force 0-5000 kg-force. 1.3. Tested fasteners should be mounted in holders made of construction steel with breaking point not less than 100 kg force/sq.mm. Scheme of holding device is on figure 1. Fig. 1. Scheme of holding device. 1-tested bolt, 2-nut, 3,4-washers, 5-upper holder, 6-upper puller, 7-lower holder, 8-lower puller 1.4. Washers made of construction steel with breaking point not less than 80 kg-force/sq.mm should be mounted under head of bolt and nut. See drawing 2. Fig.2. Washers. 1-for bolts with head over surface, 2-for bolts with hidden head, 3-for nuts, bolts and studs. 1.5. Inner diameter in washers should be 0.2 mm more than bolt rated diameter. 1.6. Accuracy of thickness of washers not more than 0.03 mm 1.7. During tests axes of loaded parts should be coincident. 1.8. Nuts with breaking point 90..110 kg force/sq.mm should be used for holding tested parts. Height of nuts should be not less than rated diameter of tested bolt (stud). 1.9. When studs are tested it’s recommended to mount self-stopping nut at one side to prevent unscrew while mounting. 2. Method of work life tests 2.1. Work life tests of fasteners should be held in not tight screw condition. Min load 0-50 kg force. Frequency 3..5 Hz. Sine force application. Increasing of load frequency up to 10 Hz is allowed. 2.2. 10 parts from each shipment should be tested. Load is applied until base number from table 1 is reached. 2.3. Max load should be set according with rated diameter of tested parts. Table 1. Rated diameter of bolt (stud), mm Max load, kg force work life, number of cycles 12 2750 300 000 10 1950 300 000 2.4. Bolts and studs meet technical requirements if none of first 5 bolts (studs) was destroyed during 300 000 load cycles. If one of bolts (studs) was destroyed, than next 5 bolts are tested. If one of these 5 fails, whole shipment don’t pass the test. If second 5 bolts pass the test, than whole shipment is considered high work life fasteners. 2.5. Shorter test with extended load is allowed. See table 2. Table 2. Rated diameter of bolt (stud), mm Max load, kg force work life, number of cycles 12 3350 200 000 10 2300 200 000 Bolts and studs meet technical requirements if none of first 5 bolts (studs) was destroyed during 200 000 load cycles. If one of bolts (studs) was destroyed, than next 5 bolts are tested. If one of these 5 fails, whole shipment don’t pass the test. If second 5 bolts pass the test, than whole shipment is considered high work life fasteners. 2.6. Report document should be performed after tests. Type of test plant, load range, type and material of tested part, max load during test and number of cycles should be mentioned in this document.
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2014-08-08 12:08 本答案得分:3 0
我们需要做的测试,是需要低频高扭矩的疲劳测试, 我问过过内大部分的测试机构 他们都做不了,一般指能做低频低扭矩,高频高扭矩的。贵公司生产的设备有没有可以满足我们测试需要的设备呢?
2014-08-08 11:08 本答案得分:3 0
我们需要做的测试,是需要低频率,高扭矩的疲劳测试, 我问过过内大部分的测试机构 他们都做不了,一般指能做低频低扭矩,高频高扭矩的。贵公司生产的设备有没有可以满足我们测试需要的设备呢?
2014-08-08 11:08 本答案得分:3 0
疲劳的话浙江华电应该可以吧 再就是您要问问了,如果是进口的要看看夹具要不要修改 我们是厂家,自己做紧固件检测设备的 但是我们没资质的
2014-08-08 11:08 本答案得分:3 0
2014-08-07 04:08 本答案得分:3 0
2014-08-07 04:08 本答案得分:3 0
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