求助:客户是什么意思? 不是很明白,求帮助,急!!!

提问者: 吴明然
阅读量: 10308
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图上的就是下面文中所说的产品(主要针对内螺纹),烦请专业人士帮我翻译下,大致的意思是说产品不合格,但我不明白其中具体的东西。以下是客户的邮件: our customer is rejecting the mounts your company made for us. The threaded insert is oversized which allows the bolt to strip the threads when used in theapplication. When the customer tightens the nut on the back side of the mount, the bolt pulls out of the threaded insert.the insert on the approved sample is the correct size and does not allow the bolt to pull through when tightened. My customer is rejecting the parts based on the fact that he thinks they’re defective. His bolt strips the threads when he tightens down the nut. Our intention is to ask you to replace the parts free of charge. The customer would have been able to use the mounts if they were not defective. Our customer had special studs made with 3/8-16 threads on one side and 3/8”-24 threads on the other side so he could try and use the mounts we already shipped him. He fully accepted his mistake for ordering the wrong size threads and had a plan to deal with the situation. The plan would have worked had we not run into the thread stripping issue. the customer tried to use the 3/8-24 threaded mounts by having special studs made to work in the application. The problem is the threaded inserts strip out when the customer installs the mounts. We can not use the mounts because the threaded insert is defective. I would like to ask for a credit for all of this products. 以下是他所得到的检测报告,我是橡胶行业的,对紧固件不熟悉,请专业人士帮我翻译下,谢谢了 We received your samples. Our findings are as follows: .Pitch diameters are oversize and tapered. . Minor diameters are oversize and tapered. .Threads are torn. The worst one accepted an Ø.352 pin gage more than half the length of the thread. This is .020 larger than the Ø.332 drill size that is usually regarded as the correct size for 75% full depth thread. However, for a thin plate like this, you should be requiring more than 75%, meaning your minor diameter should be specified to be less than Ø.332. What you should do: Add these requirements to your part (the plate) drawing: _ “GO” gage to go all the way through the part without encumbrance. _ “NO GO” gage must not enter part past one turn (from either side). _ Minor diameter should not exceed Ø.330 beyond the first thread (check from both sides). _ No torn threads. Require 100% inspection for the above requirements for the duration. It would be interesting to know what steel your supplier is using; and what screw and tightening torque level your customer is using. Chances are though, that neither of these are critical issues. The present quality of the threads is so poor that stripout is likely to occur just due to the thread factors alone. The rate for sorting on a single-spindle New Vista TVM-SC (please see catalog sheet 203-035A attached) would be about 8 seconds. That’s 450 parts per hour, each part checked from both sides. You can lease one of the single-spindle machines for $1,120 a month. Tooling would be a one-time charge of $1,180. A twin-spindle machine would be twice as fast: the lease on that would be $1,870 a month, with tooling at $1,910. 0
全部回复 共 9
2009-03-18 10:03 本答案得分:3 0
2008-08-21 04:08 本答案得分:3 0
金妙 专家
2008-08-20 09:08 本答案得分:6 0
张德利 专家
2008-08-13 10:08 本答案得分:6 0
吴明然 专家
知识既是谋生工具,也是用于帮助他人的。 大家互助!
2008-08-13 04:08 本答案得分:3 0
2008-08-13 02:08 本答案得分:3 0
吴明然 专家
当拧紧螺母时,螺栓从内螺纹里被拔了出来,即紧固螺母时,螺栓或螺母脱扣。 主要原因:螺纹小径超上差。 因为,小径超上差,螺牙的高度减小,螺纹的承载能力下降,所以,在紧固时出现脱扣的现象。
2008-08-13 08:08 本答案得分:6 0
那请问吴明然先生, 请您根据图纸帮我看看这句话是什么意思? When the customer tightens the nut on the back side of the mount, the bolt pulls out of the threaded insert. 是什么意思? 还有有您能看出他主要是因为什么而拒付我们的产品?
2008-08-11 04:08 本答案得分:3 0
吴明然 专家
产品有下列问题: 螺纹中径超上差(不止),有锥度 小径超上差(螺纹内孔直径),有锥度 螺纹损坏(破损) 螺纹长度(深度)不对。 要求: 百分之百进行下列项目挑料: 1、通规应能通过 2、止规不能进入螺纹超过一扣。 3、在第一扣螺纹,小径就不能超过0.33(在另一边检查) 4、没有螺纹损伤(螺纹应完整
2008-08-10 06:08 本答案得分:6 0
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