给我最低价,立刻下单 I’ll Place Orders If…

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| 核心提示: 价格谈判,是外贸环节较为敏感的阶段了,也时常令我们很头痛,尤其是遇到一些死追着价格不放的客户。

Bargain is the most sensitive part of the foreign trade, which often causes us headaches. In particular, if you met some clients who keep bargaining, you will be overwhelmed by annoyance. That’s why foreign traders are complaining what some Indian clients have done and said and it’s known to us all in the foreign trade circle.

每次当我们按照客户的要求报完价格后,客户就消失了。于是我们懵逼了,客户干啥去了?嗯,Mike悄悄告诉你,客户也许正忙于四处搜罗报价单,因为你并不是唯一的潜在供应商; 客户也许在跟你玩心理战术,先让你在焦急等待中失去应有的方寸与策略;客户可能也在等自己的上司或客户回复云云。
The client disappears, every time we offer quotations according to their request. So we are very confused by where the clients go? Well, Mike would like to tell you quietly that client might be busy with sifting through quotations for you are not the only one potential supplier; the client might be playing psychological tactics with you, making you wait in anxiety to lose your proper ways and tactics; the client might be also waiting for his boss or client to respond.

After a while, you keep following up, and then ecstatically discovered that the client replied. You are perplexed after opening his e-mail.

Your price is too high.
Too expensive.
Your price is twice higher than others.
The price is not workable.
Pls give us real price.
Pls give us your best offer.
... ...

哎呀,我滴个乖乖,我报给你的价格也不高啊 ,就算高也不可能两倍于别人啊,你这不是扯淡么?难道真的是我的公司实力不行,价格太高?
Alas, my baby, the price I quoted for you is not high. Even if it’s high, it’s impossible to be the double prices than others’. Is it nonsense? Is our company’s strength not powerful so requires high prices?


于是你开始怀疑自己公司的问题,于是你跑去问经理,“老大,客户嫌弃价格太高 ,能不能降点儿?” 经理想了想说“给他降低10美金试试”。
So you begin to wonder if there are some questions about your company and run to ask the manager, “Boss, the client thought our prices are high. Can’t we lower it a little? ”“Try to lower him by 10 dollars.” said the manager after thinking for a while.

When you happily told the client with a new price, his cold reply started again.

其实你仔细想想,如果你一再降价,会不会落得什么好下场?只会是不断被压制。还记得之前分享脱离产品,空谈价格,不死也难的和那些不靠谱的价格差比背后的真相吗? 谈判必须是基于实际情况,基于产品自身的,如果谈判脱离了这个轨道,单纯的去谈价格,将没有任何意义。
In fact, think it carefully, if you repeatedly cut the prices, will you end up with a good result? No. It will only be suppressed. Do you still remember the truth I shared with you before that there will be no good ends if the prices are disengaging from products and the comparison of unreliable prices? Negotiations must be based on actual conditions and the product itself. If the negotiations break away from this but simply talk about prices, it will be meaningless.

Because what you are talking about is the same at all. How can different things of different qualities be compared? Maybe you think that you should emphasize quality instead of cutting prices repeatedly. However, the client doesn’t pay attention to the quality for low prices are prevalent in his local market. Therefore, even if the quality of your products is good, it would be useless and fails to attract audience because the cost is high and then the price is definitely high, too. So it’s important to specific analysis of specific situations that cannot be considered and handled in an unified manner. The possibilities of many things happening in real life are bilateral and even multidirectional.

很多客户只是心理战术,虚张声势,并非真的拿到了超低价。很多客户嘴里喊着“ Give me best price, order can be confirmed today/within this week”,然后一些业务员就慌了神儿,脑袋里都是订单的样子,于是给出了自己的最低价,结果客户还是走了,订单根本没拿到,这就是因为客户的本意是想看看你能够做到多低,然后拿着你的价格再去压别人,并不是真的要给你订单。不可否认的确一些客户会有一些急单,采取这种方式采购,但是真的太少了,因为采购一般早早就开始了工作,不是泰山崩于前了才想起自己该做什么。
Many clients just play psychological tactics but don’t really get ultra-low prices. Many clients shouted: “Give me best price, order can be confirmed today/within this week”And then the salesman is worried and give the lowest price with head full of orders. But the deal still cannot be made. Because the client just would like to see how low the prices you offer can be and bargain with others with the lowest prices with others. It is undeniable that some clients do have urgent orders and purchase in this way, but it’s too little because they seldom work like this but in advance.

So next time when clients ask for the lowest prices by saying that they will instantly give you orders, please calm down, thinking the right way of negotiation as a foreign trader: think before you leap. Analyzing the business mode and the trend of psychology of clients carefully, instead of just offering low prices. You can cut the prices but not more than three times and too much. Don’t give low prices easily, let alone unreasonably.

什么叫做不要毫无理由的降价?就算降价必有因,必须说出你降价的原因,哪怕是你真的不懂自己的产品,也至少可以说处于合作诚意,再三和领导申请下得到了更好的价格。但是我讲的原因并非如此,而是希望大家能够通过自己对产品和行业的认知去考虑,去解释,甚至是你的产品原材料,原材料的原材料等等,可能一些人看到这些会觉得是无稽之谈,我也不会过多解释 ,谁学谁知道,谁用谁知道。
What is offering prices unreasonably? You must give your reasons for lowering the prices even if sometimes you do not really know your products. At least, you could tell clients that you get the low prices from boss for sincerity to cooperate. But I don’t really mean it but hope all of us could think and explain to clients about the materials of products or even that of materials through our own recognition of our products and industry. Some people might think it ridiculous but I won’t explain too much for it. Because I believe it’s known to those who learn and use it.

Some people always hope there are invincible templates for their negotiation, which is ridiculous and wrong because of changeable negotiation situations. Sometimes, some seemingly difficult points make the negotiation stalemate; sometimes, the actual conditions base on quite different from each other, such as the situations of products, that of the market and that of the type of clients and the audience they face.

If products are the soul of a company’s development, then the cognition of products is definitely the soul of salesmen’s negotiations.

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(来源:洞见 VC/PE/MA金融圈,外贸连,金蜘蛛紧固件网综合整理)
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